Student Programs

The STRETCH (Student Training through Respect, Empowerment, Team Challenge and Honesty) program is SFLC’s team and leadership program for students and young adults.  It combines intense on the gIMG_0608round activities with heart pounding high climbing events. Everyone can participate regardless of their physical abilities. We find important roles for everyone that utilizes their strengths, both physical and emotional. RallyTable

Integration at Warp Speed, is a fast paced 2-3 hour Rally not like anything you have seen. It is called a “Jam” session by the creators because everyone “improvises” like musicians often do. Based on Howard Gardner’s work on Multiple Intelligences, there are activities in the action guide for everyone to show their brilliance. This is a low cost way of integrating new students very quickly. Forget the BBQ lunch and the orientation talk and just go for the thrill of an RallyTeamBanneraction packed SFLC Rally . Great for parents too.

Pole jump


For information about safety

About “Keeping it Clean”

About “Flipping” the Classroom



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