Bullying Prevention

Bullying prevention behaviors that increase empathy and simple tricks like “mentor buddies”  are practiced and set up through school systems which are the “epicenter” of prevention strategies. (see our special “Buddies not Bullys” program).

Family systems and wholistic solution focused strategies are discussed and implementation plans are made.After a brief review of the history and meaning of bullying behaviors, this prevention program moves into experiential activities, role plays and team building which prevent bullying behaviors without every mentioning the word “Bully”.

We provide a fun experiential mix of activities that can include challenge course climbing, parenting and school community building that eliminate the need in the future for prevention per se.

Our model is based on these two resources that you can access and implement in your community (Eyes on Bullying and International Bullying Prevention. But if you want help making the positive behaviors “stick” and with implementation of the strategies that research shows work, then contact us for a program.

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